
Rensa changes to more sustainable heating

As wholesaler in heating equipment one is nowadays obliged to follow the the trend in sustainable heating. For years the Winterwarm WSP heaters performed their loyal duty to heat the large warehouse from Rensa. Now the time had come to replace them by Winterwarm HR unit air heaters. On a few locations the new WWH-LT waterfed heaters were a better solution. For Rensa this change resulted in a lower gas consumption and higher comfort for her employees.

  • Rensa Family Company
  • Didam (NL)

Project description

Name company: Rensa Family Company
Location: Didam (NL)
Activities company: wholesaler in heating equipment, ventilation and bathroom installations
Reason for installation: replacement gasfired unit air heaters
Measurements hall: 200 x 75 x 12 m.
Other information/special circumstances/demands customer: replacement by sustainable heating appliances at acceptable costs

Supplied heaters: 6x HR 40, 4x HR 60, 2x HR 100, 3x HR 80 and various WWH-LT heaters.
Extra supplied products: the WCU fans which were already present, were maintained.

Products used in this project


The Winterwarm HR-range combines the efficiency of a gas-fired unit air heater with additional energy savings and comfort.
The Winterwarm WWH LT range are LPHW heaters especially developed for low water temperatures.

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